
Märchenstunde (An hour of fairy tales)

Children's theater


On 18.11.2023

Snow White and the 7 dwarfs

Hansel and Gretel

The Frog King

On 19.11.2023

Snow White and the 7 dwarfs

Mrs. Holle

Little Red Riding Hood

Hansel and Gretel

The story of the siblings Hansel and Gretel, who - chased out of the house by their mother - wander fearfully through the forest until they come to a dangerously tempting witch's house, where they meet the funny and creepy crunchy witch, is probably familiar to every child. All the better to experience this touching story on stage, where Hansel and Gretel are actually played by children.

The Frog King

A prince who has been enchanted into a frog lives in the fountain in Princess Clara's castle garden. Neither she nor her two sisters have the slightest idea. While playing, the princesses drop their golden ball into the fountain and hit the 'Frog King' on the head. He only gives it back after Clara promises to let him be her friend. Why are Clara's sisters so gleeful about this? Well, find out in a fresh and funny version of the famous story freely adapted from the Brothers Grimm.

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood wants to visit her sick grandmother and bring her cake and wine. Although her mother tells her not to stray from the path, the girl soon encounters the evil wolf. Find out how everything turns out all right in the end.

Mrs. Holle

The poor orphan Blondmarie has to work from dawn to dusk every day, while her stepmother and stepsister Blackmarie just twiddle their thumbs. When she once again has to spend the whole evening spinning yarn, she pricks her finger with her spindle. As she tries to wash the blood off the spool, it falls into the well. Find out from us whether she gets her spool back and what Mother Hulda has to do with it.

Snow White and the 7 dwarfs

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" The poor mirror has to answer again and again: "You, Madam Queen, you are the fairest in all the land...", because if he doesn't, he knows full well that it will cost him his job. Archiball, the court servant, also has his hands full. Day after day, he has to turn the beautiful Snow White into an ugly duckling so that her mother doesn't notice that she is no longer the fairest in the land. But then one morning the mirror blabs and disaster strikes...., but luckily the merry dwarves are man enough to take poor Snow White in.

The brave little tailor

The little tailor sits in his sewing room and dreams of being a brave fellow and not letting anyone pull him over the sewing table. When he kills 7 flies at once with his belt, he believes that the world has called him to something higher and sets out to prove to everyone that he is the brave little tailor. His path leads him to Big and Taller, two giants who love to trample the king's orchard in their spare time. You can only see how the brave little tailor manages to drive the two giants away with his wits, not his strength!

King Thrushbeard

The twin sisters Liese and Lotte are inseparable. However, when their mother wants to marry the two princesses, they are not at all happy and the queen has to dig deep into her bag of tricks to ensure that her daughters find their princes after all.

The Bremen Town Musicians

"Lazy dog", "mangy cat", "stupid donkey" or "weird bird" - the young people in this fairy tale know these sayings only too well. So well, in fact, that they think they are lepers themselves. It takes a few coincidences and surprises for them to realize that they are not as bad as their surroundings would have them believe.

Theater piece facts

Märchenstunde (An hour of fairy tales) - Children's theater

Additional information

Children's plays
Normal price: € 12.00
Children and young people (from six years): € 8.00
Children up to six years: € 5.00

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Upcoming shows

Märchenstunde (An hour of fairy tales) - Children's theater

No showings planned.
