Ein Anton-Günther-Abend
Mei Harz braucht Lieder
Am 25.01. und 26.01. haben wir Jasmin Sarah Zamani und Richard Glöckner vom Eduard-von-Winterstein-Theater Annaberg-Buchholz mit ihrem Anton-Günther-Abend "Mei Harz braucht Lieder" bei uns zu Gast. Wir laden Sie…
Call from our support association Fritz-Theater Chemnitz e.V.
Chair sponsors wanted!
Dear friends of the Fritz Theater,You have probably already experienced one or two performances on the "historic" folding chairs in the theater hall. To ensure that this is…
Photo gallery with pictures by Katja Riga
Always something new...
The photo series "C the Unseen" was funded as part of the City of Chemnitz's small project funding. Printed on canvas, the pictures hang in our foyer and offer our…