

by Johannes Galli in a version by Isabelle Weh


Two young people travel back in time to the 1970s: the FDJ welcomes the "Bundis" to VEB Kombinat Baumwolle Karl-Marx-Stadt to give them a proper explanation of real socialism. Everyone involved meets, both sides full of enthusiasm for their respective world views, which could not be more different. There is a lively exchange about life in East and West.

"Schlagersüsstafel" is a humorous awakening of history and a journey through time that awakens memories. Between Trabi, nudism, youthful love and songs from "We Are the Champions" to "Unsere Heimat", people who loved and lived back then and young people of today experience contemporary events from a completely new perspective and can have fun and sing along uninhibitedly.

The Fritz youth theater troupe performs:

Tobias Eichholz, Sarah Scharf, Ecco Langer, Enrique Thum, Ryo Geilert, Antonia Kuhnert, Kristin Scholz, Nils Naumann, Mia Jürgens, Anna Lorenz, Jula Kießling, Felix Pietsch, Lena Franzkowiak, Helena Böse, Stella Berthold

Theater piece facts

SCHLAGERSÜSSTAFEL - by Johannes Galli in a version by Isabelle Weh

70 minutes (without break)
Additional information

Amateur productions
Normal price: € 15.00
Children and young people: € 8.00

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

With the support of the amateur group: learn more

Upcoming shows

SCHLAGERSÜSSTAFEL - by Johannes Galli in a version by Isabelle Weh

No showings planned.
