

by René Heinersdorff


A weekend of relaxation in a wellness hotel. Dieter, a successful detergent producer, invites his girlfriend Mary to this very hotel to give her a very special present. Lothar, head of a children's clinic, is traveling to the same hotel with a special request. This requires special skills, a good plan and, above all, discretion. His assistant Emilie accompanies him as a cover. Between the plunge pool, steam bath and sanarium, the hotel's few guests come together. Everyone tries to implement their plan as efficiently as possible, and the misunderstandings pile up. When Alain, an extremely smart personal trainer, checks in, the situation becomes increasingly heated. Will he be able to clear things up or will everyone go deeper and deeper into hiding until no one knows what the mission was in the first place?

Theater piece facts

Infusion - by René Heinersdorff

Additional information

Amateur productions
Normal price: € 15.00
Children and young people: € 8.00

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Lena Franzkowiak as Mary Fanny Schorr as Mary Kristin Scholz as Emilie
Uwe Vogel as Dieter Thomas Weidauer as Dieter Marvin Reich as Lothar
With the support of the amateur group: learn more

Upcoming shows

Infusion - by René Heinersdorff

No showings planned.